Closing of the Jubilee Year of Mercy in Our Lady of Peace (November 13, 2016)
On Sunday, November 13, Bishop Javier Echevarría celebrated the Mass for the conclusion of the Jubilee Year of Mercy, in the Prelatic Church of Our Lady of Peace. In the ceremony the Holy Door that had been opened on December 13, 2015 was closed.
In his homily, the Prelate reflected on the parable of the prodigal son, “which St. Josemaría so often remarked on, because it perfectly expresses the Father’s mercy.” “Consider,” invited the Prelate, “this father who waits outside his house each morning to watch for his son’s return. The moment he catches sight of him, he runs to cover him in kisses.”
Throughout this year, said Bishop Echevarría, “our Lord has helped us see where we need to improve. We’ve come to understand that mercy is not only compassion, but love, a love that is shown in service.” And he posed the following questions for each one’s personal reflection: “What have I done in this year of mercy? Have I served those in my family? Have I helped my colleagues at work? Have I forgiven my friends? Imagine the look of the father when he catches sight of the prodigal son. With that same look—filled with joy, understanding, affection—we need to look at the others.”
“Let us fill the streets with God’s love,” he concluded. "When you make your way through the city, pray for the people you see, also for those you don’t know. This attitude will help us to be ready, in every circumstance, to serve others better. And our Lady, who looked at her Son dying on the Cross, will teach us to be merciful with others.”
Romana, n. 63, July-December 2016, p. 293-294.