
#JuneforFamilies on the Social Web

The feast of St. Josemaría this year marked the fortieth anniversary of his going to Heaven. It also fell within the Marian Year of prayer for the family that the faithful and cooperators of the Prelature are living. For this occasion, the Opus Dei website—www.opusdei.org—offered thirty counsels of St. Josemaría regarding courtship, engagement, married love, family life, and the raising of children. Under the hashtag #JuneforFamilies, each day from June 1 to 30 some advice of St. Josemaría about the family was placed on the website. This initiative also made it easy to be united to Pope Francis’ request that we pray for all the families in the world and for the upcoming synod on the family.

Romana, n. 60, January-June 2015, p. 108.

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