Other new publications
Javier Echevarría Rodríguez, Eucaristia & Vida Cristiana, Milan, Ares, 2014. First Italian edition, 264 pp.
Álvaro del Portillo, As salt and light: Selection of texts on Christian life [Edited by José Antonio Loarte], Caracas, Luis Felipe Capriles, 2014, first Venezuelan edition, 229 pages; San José, Promesa, 2014, first Costa Rican edition; Mexico City, Minos, 2014, first Mexican edition.
Álvaro del Portillo, Rezar con Álvaro del Portillo: textos para meditar [Selected by José Antonio Loarte], Mexico City, Minos Tercer Milenio, 2014. First Mexican edition, 130 pages.
Álvaro del Portillo, Journey with Jesus through the Liturgical year [edited by Jose´ Antonio Loarte], London, Scepter, 2014. First English language edition, 300 pages.
Various authors, Álvaro del Portillo: el libro de la beatificación, Madrid, Palabra, 2014. First edition, 141 pages.
Various authors, Beatificación: Álvaro del Portillo, Madrid, 27 de septiembre de 2014. Madrid, Rialp, 2014. First Edition, 140 pages.
Various authors, Beatification: Álvaro del Portillo: Madrid, September 27, 2014, London and New York, Scepter, 2014. First edition in the English language, 140 pages
Various authors, Beatification: Álvaro del Portillo. Madrid 27 septembre 2014. Madrid, Rialp, 2014. First edition in French, 140 pages.
Various authors, Beatificació: Álvaro del Portillo, Madrid, 27 de setembre de 2014. Madrid, Rialp, 2014. First edition in Catalonian, 140 pages.
Various authors, Beatificazione. Álvaro del Portillo, Madrid, 27 de settembre de 2014. Milano, Edizioni Ares, 2014. First edition in Italian.
Various authors, Seligsprechung. Álvaro del Portillo, Madrid, 27. September 2014. Madrid, Rialp, 2014. First edition in German, 140 pages
Various authors, Beatificação. Álvaro del Portillo. Madri, 27 de setembro de 2014. São Paulo, Quadrante. First edition in Portuguese, 140 pages.
Salvador Bernal, Álvaro del Portillo: una semblança personal, Barcelona, Claret, 2014. First Catalonian edition, 100 pages.
José Miguel Cejas Arroyo, Álvaro dell Portillo: al servicio de la Iglesia, Madrid, Ediciones San Pablo, 2014. First edition, 160 pages.
Antonio Duccay Vela, Álvaro del Portillo sembrador de paz y de Alegría, Lima, Centro de Estudios y Comunicación (CDSCO), 2014. First edition, 308 pages.
Javier Medina Bayo, Álvaro del Portillo. Un hombre fiel, Quito, Corporación de Estudios y Publicaciones. First edition, 2014, 826 pages.
Javier Medina Bayo, Álvaro del Portillo. Un homme fidèle, Paris, Le Laurier, 2014. First French edition, 592 pages.
Javier Medina Bayo, Álvaro del Portillo. Il primo successore di san Josemaría alla guida dell'Opus Dei, Milán, Ares, 2014. First Italian edition, 760 pages.
Thomas Mertz, Bischof Álvaro del Portillo: eine biografische Skizze, Viena, Fassbaender, 2014. First edition, 208 pages.
Pawel Skibińskiego, Żywot człowieka wiernego. Bł Álvaro del Portillo (1914-1994), Krakov, Wydawnictwo AA, 240 pages.
Con don Álvaro en los cinco continentes [With Don Álvaro on five continents]. Get-togethers with Blessed Álvaro in París, Hong Kong, Nairobi, Washington, Mexico City, and Sydney, each lasting 30 minutes. DVD. BetaFilms.
Romana, n. 59, July-December 2014, p. 360-361.