
Documentary: Working for for others

Working for the others presents the testimony of people who have received help from social and educational projects of solidarity promoted by Alvaro del Portillo during his years at the head of Opus Dei. In the space of 27 minutes, ten people from various Latin American countries—Argentina, Guatemala, Peru, El Salvador, Brazil, Uruguay, Colombia, Ecuador and Chile—speak about how these social initiatives have impacted for the better their own lives and the lives of others.

“The initiatives promoted by Alvaro del Portillo are marked by the concern to raise up the person, both professionally—acquiring a job, improving one’s social status—and interiorly,” says Juan Martin Ezratty, director of the documentary.

Produced by Digito Identidad, the video was presented in September, just weeks before the beatification of the first successor of St. Josemaría. With a Spanish sound track it is available with English subtitles.

Romana, n. 59, July-December 2014, p. 357.

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