
Madrid, Spain -- Ethics and Beauty

The Alcor student residence in Madrid organized a seminar on “Art and Beauty” in March for university women. The seminar centered on the connection between beauty and moral values.

Soledad Garcia Morales, a professor at the School of Architecture in Madrid, inaugurated the seminar with a talk entitled “Beauty and Aesthetics.” She highlighted both the objective and subjective dimensions of beauty. The architect Emilio Tuñón, in turn, reflected on the role of architecture in fostering beauty in daily life, by providing spaces where human activities are carried out. Maria Molina, a professor of contemporary art, closed the cycle with a session on “Las Bellas Artes.” “Movies, the theater, music, dance,” she said, “are all an expression of the human being’s ability to leave behind assigned roles and to stop being ‘clones.’”

Romana, n. 58, January-June 2014, p. 150.

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