Publication of “St. Josemaría and Theological Thought”
At the beginning of June, the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross published the first volume of San Josemaría y el pensamiento teológico [St. Josemaría and Theological Thought] (Edusc, 492 pp.), with the proceedings of the international conference held in Rome from November 14 to 16. Coordinated by Professor Javier Lopez Diaz, the first volume offers the plenary addresses of the conference, while the second volume, which will be published in the coming months, will contain a selection of the papers read throughout the meeting.
The volume opens with an article by Bishop Javier Echevarría, the Prelate of Opus Dei, on the contribution of St. Josemaría to the Second Vatican Council. This is followed by a study by Msgr. Fernando Ocáriz on the impetus that St. Josemaría’s teachings can bring to theology. Professor Robert Wielockx examines the use that St. Thomas made of the teachings of the saints, while Cardinal Kurt Koch discusses a parallel question in the works of Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI. In addition, Professor Jean-Marie Léthel O.C.D. considers the relation between the “science of faith” and the “science of love,” while Professors Tanzella-Nitti, Maspero, Réal Tremblay C.Ss.R., O’Callaghan, Rodríguez Luño and Villar, among others, deal with the light that the teachings of St. Josemaría might cast on various areas of theology. Professors Juan José Sanguineti and Ana Marta Gonzákez, in turn, consider the stimulus that these can represent for philosophy. It concludes with articles by Carlos José Errazuriz and Gaetano Lo Castro on St. Josemaría and Canon Law.
This work is directed to anyone interested in the renewal of theology through the light and vigor provided by the teachings of the saints.
Romana, n. 58, January-June 2014, p. 83.