
New publications

Video: Construir la familia [Building the Family]

“Building the Family” is the title of this Spanish language video of 33 minutes that echoes the teachings of St. Josemaría on family life through the testimonies of various families: love between the spouses, the upbringing of children, God in the family. Carried out by Juan Martin Ezratty of Digito Identidad, the video is at the disposition of the public on the internet.

Other new items

The Milan publisher Ares has

published Vivere la Santa Messa, the

Italian translation of the latest book by

Bishop Javier Echevarría, which we described

in our previous issue under the

Spanish title: Vivir la Santa Misa. The

book has also been published in French:

Vivre la Sainte Messe, by Le Laurier

publishing company in Paris.

Salvador Bernal, Wspomnienie o

Biskupie Alvaro del Portillo,Warszawa,

Apostolicum, 2010. First Polish edition,

304 pages.

Giovanni Tridente and Cristian

Mendoza (eds.), The Pontifical University

of The Holy Cross: a gift and a calling:

25 years of activities - Pontificia Università

della Santa Croce: dono e compito:

25 anni di attività[A bi-lingual English

and Italian edition], Cinisello Balsamo

(Milan), Silvana Editoriale, 2010.

First edition, 231 pages.

Onésimo Diaz Hernandez and

Fernando de Meer Lecha-Marzo,

Rafael Calvo Serer: la busqueda de la

libertad (1954-1988), Madrid, Rialp,

2010. First edition, 304 pages.

Daniel Arasa, Rafael Pich, pasión

por la familia: La Orientación Familiar,

un sueño hecho realidad, Barcelona,

Styria de Ediciones, 2010. Second edition,

254 pages.

Patrice de Plunkett, Los misterios

del Opus Dei: una investigación desde

dentro, Madrid, Altera, 2010. First edition,

248 pages.

Jan Domaradzki, Ethos pracy w

doktrynie i praktyce Opus Dei, Krakow,

Nomos, 2010. First edition, 478


Scott Hahn, Travail ordinaire,

Grâce extraordinaire: Mon itinéraire personnel

dans L’Opus Dei, Paris, Le Laurier,

2010. First French edition, 160


Romana, n. 51, January-January 2010, p. 376-377.

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