Leercamino.org: a webpage on The Way
The leercamino.org web page began in 2009, on the 70th anniversary of the publication of Camino [The Way]. Its goal is to make the book better known to a greater number of people and encourage a deeper and more enriching reading of it.
The section “The Way Point by Point” contains the 999 points of The Way, accompanied by videos of St. Josemaría, and video-testimonies from people all over the world who talk about the influence this book has had on their lives. It also provides clarification of some terms used, cultural references, etc.
The section “Pedro Rodriguez: edición critico-historica” offers the comments about each of the 999 points of The Way that the theologian Pedro Rodrigo presented in the third edition of the Critical-Historical Study published by Rialp.
Romana, n. 51, January-January 2010, p. 375-376.