
First session of the process on the life, virtues, and reputation for sanctity of the Servant of God Encarnita Ortega Pardo (March 26, 2009)

On March 26, 2009, at six in the evening, the Opening Session of the Process of Canonization of Encarnita Ortega took place in the Alcazarén School of Valladolid, presided over by Archbishop Braulio Rodriguez Plaza of that city.

The ceremony was carried out with great simplicity, following the established protocol. The Postulator of the Cause cited some words of the Holy Father, Benedict XVI, about the saints. Saints “are the true bearers of the light of history, because they are men and women of faith, hope, and love.” And the Pope added that the only purpose of causes of canonization “is the glory of God and the spiritual good of the Church and of those who seek the truth and evangelical perfection.” (Benedict XVI, April 24, 2006).

Archbishop Braulio Rodriguez stressed that the Church carries out these processes of brothers and sisters of ours to serve as an example for us and to encourage us in our Christian life. He asked those present for their prayers “so that the Archdiocesan Tribunal of Valladolid carry out its work well, seeking the truth, and to pray also for the persons who will testify before it.”

Among those present were relatives of Encarnita and many friends and acquaintances, who remember her with great affection and who go to her intercession.

Romana, n. 48, January-June 2009, p. 128-129.

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