
Message on the Abruzzo earthquake, Italy (April 6, 2009)

Message regarding the earthquake

As soon as I received news this morning of the powerful earthquake that shook the Abruzzo region, I raised my heart to God, through the intercession of St. Josemaría, in petition for the souls of the dead and for the speedy recovery of the injured.

I am convinced that St. Josemaría, who passed through that beloved region so many times and who prayed so much for the men and women of Abruzzo, will intercede for them in a special way during these moments and gain from God the grace that the material and moral damage be as small as possible.

With all my heart I unite myself to the people affected by the tragedy and, together with my prayer, I send them my blessing, asking our Lord to grant them the strength and consolation that they need in these moments.

+ Bishop Javier Echevarría

Prelate of Opus Dei

Romana, n. 48, January-June 2009, p. 93.

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