Letter of the Prelate of Opus Dei to the Rector of the University if Navarra regarding the terrorist attack at the University
On October 30, a few hours after a car bomb exploded at the University of Navarra, Bishop Javier Echevarría, the Chancellor of the University, sent a letter to the Rector expressing his deep solidarity in the sorrow caused by the painful attack.
In his letter Bishop Echevarría asked the Rector to convey his sentiments “to everyone at the University: administrators, professors, students and other personnel.” The Chancellor thanked God that the losses had only been material. In regard to the gathering for peace set for the following October 31st at the University, he suggested that, besides being an “act of solidarity,” it should also be an occasion for prayer and “an expression of forgiveness.” He also encouraged those who take part to strive to foster “a just and equitable social order, with respect for all persons and a commitment to peace in the world.”
Finally the Chancellor recalled in his message that difficult moments are an opportunity for Christians to become “sowers of peace and joy,” drowning evil in an abundance of good, as St. Josemaría used to advise.
Romana, n. 47, July-December 2008, p. 327-328.