On the first anniversary of the election of Benedict XVI (April 20, 2006)
One year ago, Benedict XVI was elected as the Successor of Peter, receiving the baton from John Paul II. One year is a very short span of time in the history of the Church, but sufficient for us to experience once again that in the transition from one Pope to another, over and above differences of personality, a clear continuity exists.
What underlies this continuity, above all, is the assistance the Holy Spirit offers the Church, and the prayer of the faithful for their Supreme Pastor. Unity among Catholics does not mean uniformity in things that are matters of opinion and changeable, but rather communion in the same faith, in identical hope, in fraternal charity, which, if we respond faithfully, will make us one heart and mind in Jesus Christ.
The world needs all of us in the Church to show the utmost loyalty to her mission of service, and a firm commitment in the truth. For this we now count on Pope Benedict XVI who, together with his well known human qualities, offers us in particular a firm testimony of faith in this God of ours who is Love. Our Lord wants Catholics to second the grace that moves us to adhere with our whole mind to the Magisterium of the Pope, and to pray daily, from the heart, for him and for his intentions.
Romana, n. 42, January-June 2006, p. 90.