Web page dedicated to St. Josemaria
Starting on June 26, 2003 a new web page dedicated to St. Josemaría is available on the internet: (www.josemariaescriva.info). It can be accessed in English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish, and offers information on the founder of Opus Dei and a news section that is constantly updated.
The section Biographical Profile presents a brief summary of St. Josemaría’s life and process of canonization, with official documents and references to his writings. In the section His Teachings the principal aspects of his message of sanctification in ordinary life are presented, accompanied by testimonies that show how this is lived by people from the most varied cultural and social backgrounds.
The section Founder of Opus Dei contains a documented explanation of the Prelature and the Priestly Society of the Holy Cross, the Prelate, and the faithful. And in the section Under his Inspiration, various undertakings promoted by St. Josemaría for the most needy are shown, as well as others that arose as a fruit of his example and encouragement.
Another section contains a collection of favors attributed to his intercession: conversions, decisions to practice the Christian faith more fully, cures, material favors, solutions to family problems. It also has contributions from readers who write to the web page attesting to help they personally have received from St. Josemaría.
The web page www.josemariaescriva.info also offers an ample bibliography on the saint and on Opus Dei, articles from the international press, news related to the spread of his teachings, and directions to the Prelatic Church of Our Lady of Peace in Rome, where his mortal remains are venerated.
Items noted there during the past six months include the issuance of a St. Josemaría stamp by the Vatican Post Office, and by the postal services of other countries, including Panama and Guatemala; the first church dedicated to St. Josemaría in Mexico, and an altar dedicated to him in the Church of San Giacomo Apostolo, in the town of San Felice D’Ocre (L’Aquila, Italy), a place St. Josemaría visited on several occasions.
The web page also has information on initiatives undertaken in connection with his centennial and canonization, such as the Laguna Clinic, a palliative care center for the aged and sick in Madrid, and Harambee 2002, which provides support for educational projects in Africa.
Romana, n. 37, July-December 2003, p. 63-64.