Letter to the Faithful of Opus Dei in Ecuador after the April 16 Earthquake
After the major earthquake in Ecuador on April 16, the Prelate of Opus Dei wrote a letter to Msgr. Paulino Busca, vicar of the Prelature in that country.
My dear Paulino: may Jesus watch over my daughters and sons in Ecuador for me!
Thank you for the news you sent, which has helped me to continue praying and offering suffrages for all the dead, and asking our Lord that the injured may recover fully.
From the moment I heard about the earthquake I have been keeping you very much in mind, and I want to assure you that the entire Work is accompanying you. It is marvelous to see (as I’ll never tire of telling you) this unity, both divine and human, that God has granted us.
If you know people who have been affected by the quake (like the case you mentioned), I would be grateful if you could express to these families my prayer and closeness to them.
I also ask that you suggest to the faithful of the Prelature and the cooperators, as well as those you come in contact with, to try to help, each in accord with his or her possibilities, to alleviate the needs and the physical and moral suffering caused by the earthquake. This could involve bringing warm meals or provisions to the survivors, or assisting in the rebuilding of the homes of the poorest people. And always, it will involve your prayer and affection, especially for those who have lost loved ones.
Your Father loves you and blesses you,
+ Javier
Romana, n. 62, January-June 2016, p. 121.