On November 9, a few days before the conclusion of the Year of Faith, 30 faithful of Opus Dei received ordination as deacons from the hands of the Prelate, Bishop Echevarría. The ceremony took place in the Basilica of San Eugenio. The new deacons are from 11 different countries: Spain, Colombia, the Philippines, Chile, Argentina, Mexico, Uganda, the United Kingdom, Brazil, France, and Uruguay.
In his homily the Prelate explained some of the moments of the diaconal ordination ceremony: the imposition of hands and the prayer of consecration, the vesting with garments proper to the deacon (the stole and dalmatica), the giving of the Gospel and the kiss of peace.
“We are taking part,” he said, “in a great manifestation of faith. Each of these men, after having responded freely to God’s call, is about to become Christ’s minister, a servant of all men and women. The choice is a divine one.”
“Jesus takes possession of each one of you, of your whole being, to make you living instruments of his sanctifying action. I understand your joy and emotion on becoming Christ’s minister, since the gift you are going to receive is immense.”
“You will be faithful to him, with God’s help, if you watch over and nourish your spirit of prayer; faithfully fulfilling your duty to recite the Liturgy of the Hours, and striving to conform your life to Christ’s, whose Body, from this moment on, you can distribute to the faithful in Communion.”
And addressing the faithful who filled the basilica (relatives and friends of the deacons and parishioners), he said: “Let us accompany the new ministers of our Lord with our prayer and mortification. And let us beseech the Holy Spirit to send many priestly vocations to the Church.”
The new deacons will be ordained priests on the upcoming 10th of May, in the same basilica.
Romana, n. 57, July-December 2013, p. 213.