
Words at the Closing of the World Meeting of Families in Milan (June 3, 2012)

At the conclusion of the Seventh World Meeting of Families celebrated in Milan, Italy, on June 3, the Prelate of Opus Dei issued the following statement:

“I thank our Lord for these days of grace that have taken place in Milan together with the Holy Father.

“To see the Pope joyfully immersed in a crowd of hundreds of thousands of families from all over the world, has made me think of the Church and its unity as a family of the children of God: all distinct, but all united by their filiation to the same Father.

During the meeting we have realized once again how the family represents the essential school of love, understanding, fidelity, peace. I am sure that these “bright and cheerful” Christian homes (as St. Josemaría liked to call them) will help spread throughout the world the abundant fruit of this World Meeting with the Successor of Peter.”

Romana, n. 54, January-June 2012, p. 70-71.

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