The Inauguration of a street dedicated to St. Josemaria in Lucca, (Italy)
The first street dedicated to Saint Josemaría in the Italian province of Tuscany was inaugurated on October 6. The street, restricted to pedestrians and bicycles, is named Cammino di San Josemaría Escrivá. It crosses several streams on two small bridges and ends at the Via della Rosa, facing the house where St. Gemma Galgani died, very close to the apse of the Cathedral of St. Martin. The street’s total length is approximately 300 meters. Its cobblestones, which date to the sixteenth century, had recently been cleaned to prepare for the inauguration ceremony.
On October 5 an informative conference on Saint Josemaría took place in the Centro Agorà, where some 150 people viewed a projection of a get-together with the founder of Opus Dei filmed in 1974.
The ceremony of inauguration took place at the street itself, where a plaque was placed with the following inscription:
Saint Josemaría Escrivá opened up a new path of sanctification in the Catholic Church, reminding all men and women they can attain holiness if they carry out their work and daily activities with a Christian spirit.
Beatified in 1992 and canonized on October 6, 2002, by John Paul II, Saint Josemaría walked by here on July 11, 1956.
Before uncovering the plaque, Mayor Pietro Fazzi of Lucca explained that the city council had wanted to hold the dedication in a place where many workers and tourists passed by because of the importance of the new saint’s message. A short speech was also given by Cosimo De Fazio, director of the Accademie dei Ponti, the center of Opus Dei in Florence, who described highlights of Saint Josemaría’s stay in Tuscany.
Romana, n. 39, July-December 2004, p. 238-239.