
Cause of canonization of Dr. Educardo Ortiz de Landazuri

The first step in the cause of canonization of Doctor Eduardo Ortiz de Landázuri, a doctor of internal medicine and professor at the University of Navarre, has ended. Archbishop Fernando Sebastián of Pamplona presided over the concluding ceremony of the process on his life and virtues.

After his death in 1985, Doctor Ortiz de Landázuri’s reputation for sanctity spread among people of all walks of life: colleagues, trainees, students, patients, etc. Thirteen years later, on March 19, 1998, the postulator of the Cause presented to the Archbishop of Pamplona the documentation needed for the initiation of the canonical process, the first phase of which has now been concluded.

Romana, n. 35, July-December 2002, p. 356.

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