Singapore. An exposition on the life and writings of Blessed Josemaría
On May 17, 2002, the tenth anniversary of the beatification of Josemaría Escrivá, a solemn Mass was celebrated in his honor in Mandarin. Following this, an exposition on his life, his writings and his message was opened, commemorating the centennial of his birth. In January the same exposition had been shown in Macao.
The exposition was inaugurated by Doctor Anne Lee Tzu Pheng, a well known writer, poet, and former professor at the National University of Singapore. A substantial part of the exposition was devoted to Blessed Josemaría’s writings. Many of these works, along with biographies of the founder and other books about Opus Dei, were available for sale in English and in Chinese.
Large informative posters with illustrative photos and texts in both languages helped visitors to understand the historical context of Josemaría Escrivá’s life and key facts about the founding and development of Opus Dei, showing the universality of its message. The wide-spread devotion to Blessed Josemaría was reflected by prayer cards in many different languages.
«Blessed Josemaría’s message offers today’s world the hope it so deeply needs,» said Dr. Lee in her inaugural address. «In this exposition we will find much that can inspire and transform us, as we witness the work of this extraordinary person who answered God’s call with his whole heart, his whole mind and his whole soul.»
Romana, n. 34, January-June 2002, p. 141.