Publications about Blessed Josemaria and Opus Dei
The French and German translations of the book The Founder of Opus Dei, by Andres Vazquez de Prada, have recently come out. The French edition is published by Le Laurier publishers, in Paris, and Wilson & Lafleur, in Montreal; the German by Adamas Verlag, in Cologne.
Ares Press in Milan has published a book entitled Un santo per amico. Testimonianze sul Beato Josemaria Escriva, fondatore dell’Opus Dei. This is a collection of testimonies from cardinals, bishops and men and women religious about the life and virtues of Opus Dei’s founder.
Ten to chi wo tsunagu (“Uniting heaven and earth”) is the title of a recently published book by Toshim Nakai. It contains a a brief history of the Prelature of Opus Dei in Japan. The book concentrates especially on the story of the beginnings of the work of Opus Dei in that country.
A biography of Maria Ignacia Garcia Escobar, one of the first women in Opus Dei, has been published. Its title is La paz y la alegria: Maria Ignacia Garcia Escobar 1896-1933. It was written by Jose Miguel Cejas and published by Editorial Rialp, Madrid.
In Amsterdam, in honor of the centennial of Blessed Josemaria, four documentaries have been dubbed into Dutch: A Gift of God (1992), A Matter of Faith (1999), The Joy of Holiness (2000) and Right Where You Are (1999). The Dutch translation of a small book has also been published. Its title in Spanish is Se llamaba Josemaria, by Amparo Catret and Mar Sanchez.
The Publisher M in Krakow has published a book by Jan O’Dogherty Rekolekcje z... B. Josemaria (“On Retreat with Blessed Josemaria Escriva”). The book collects various writings of the founder of Opus Dei organized around the theme of following closely in Christ’s footsteps. It has been published as part of a collection for people who wish to make a retreat. The prologue is by Cardinal Franciszek Macharski, Archbishop of Krakow.
In November, the book Prier 15 jours avec Josemaria Escriva, by Guillaume Derville, was published by Nouvelle Cité in Montrouge. It forms part of a collection entitled Prier 15 jours. Three thousand copies were printed.
Romana, n. 33, July-December 2001, p. 205-206.