Lublin Archbishop introduces new edition of Blessed Josemaria’s works
Also on January 9, 2001, Archbishop Jozef Zycinski (Lublin, Poland) brought to the public’s attention the first Polish edition of three combined works by Opus Dei’s founder. This single volume represents the ninth printing of The Way in Polish, the fourth for Furrow and the third for The Forge.
Two publishing houses joined forces to bring out a pressrun of 5,000 copies; namely, the Pallotine Fathers’ Apostolicum and the Katowice diocese’s Swietego Jacka. As part of the commemoration of the centennial of Blessed Josemaria’s birth, all of his works will be republished in Polish.
The public event took place in the Warsaw offices of the Polish Agency of Information. In addition to Lublin’s Archbishop, taking part in the press conference were Agnieszka Dietrych, lawyer and housewife, and Marek Miller, writer and head of the journalism institute “Collegium Civitas.” They both spoke of the impact of Blessed Josemaria’s works on their lives.
Romana, n. 32, January-June 2001, p. 72.