Priestly Ordinations
The Prelate of Opus Dei conferred priestly ordination on 26 deacons of the Prelature:
• on December 6, in the Basilica of St. Michael in Madrid, 2 faithful of Opus Dei were ordained as priests.
• on December 12, in Rome, Bishop Javier Echevarría ordained an additional 24 faithful of Opus Dei in the Basilica of St. Eugene.
The 26 new priests come from 12 countries: Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Italy, Ivory Coast, Mexico, Peru, The Philippines, Portugal, Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, and the United States.
In addition, on December 11, Bishop Echevarría conferred the diaconate on eleven faithful of the Prelature at the parish of Blessed Josemaría in Rome.
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Romana, n. 29, July-December 1999, p. 225-226.